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How to use microsoft office sharepoint workspace 2010 free. Basic tasks in SharePoint Server 2010How to use microsoft office sharepoint workspace 2010 free -
How to use microsoft office sharepoint workspace 2010 free. Basic tasks in SharePoint Workspace 2010
Here are some basic tasks and information to help you learn how to use Microsoft SharePoint Server Capabilities of SharePoint Server.
Parts of a SharePoint site. Site specifics that affect your experience. Adding content to a site. Managing and working with site content. Microskft Foundation is the underlying technology for SharePoint sites that is available for free and how to use microsoft office sharepoint workspace 2010 free called Sharepoimt SharePoint Services shardpoint previous versions. SharePoint Server relies on SharePoint Foundation technology to provide a consistent, familiar framework for lists sharepoinf libraries, site administration, and site customization.
For example, both SharePoint Server and SharePoint Foundation include site templates for collaborating with colleagues on team sites, blogs, and Meeting Workspaces. However, SharePoint Server includes enhanced social computing features such as tagging and news feeds that help people in your organization to discover, organize, navigate, and share information with colleagues. Similarly, SharePoint Server enhances the search technology from Mivrosoft Foundation to include features that are useful for employees in large organizations, such as the ability to search for business data in SAP, Siebel, and other business перейти на страницу. Both Kse Foundation and SharePoint Server are designed to work shqrepoint with other programs, servers, and technologies, including those in the Microsoft Office system.
For example, you fref take a site, list, or library offline in SharePoint Workspace, work with the site content while you are disconnected from your network, and captivate 8 license free automatically synchronize your changes when you reconnect. You can complete many SharePoint tasks from within familiar Microsoft Office programs. For example, you can initiate or participate in a workflow to approve an expense report from within Microsoft Word.
The capabilities of SharePoint Server are focused in six areas. This article briefly introduces each of these capabilities and then links to related articles where you can learn more.
SharePoint Server extends the collaboration features of SharePoint Foundation by promoting easy authoring from visio 2010 10 free browser or from familiar applications such as Microsoft Word, helping users relate resources with tagging and ratings, and helping people how to use microsoft office sharepoint workspace 2010 free answers faster /70275.txt news feeds and people search.
One of the primary places where you can take advantage of these capabilities is on your My Site. My Site is your own SharePoint site where you can share documents, links, по этому сообщению information about yourself in an online profile. You can also blog about topics of interest or search for the information you need to do your job. Aorkspace decide what information позыреть corel windvd pro 11 not playing blu ray free напугать want to share and what information you want to keep private on your My Site.
You can then tag links to information and find information that other people tag or share on their newsfeeds. To learn more about managing information on your My Site, see Manage the information you share through your My Site and profile. SharePoint Server also enables participation anywhere by offering a rich SharePoint Workspace experience while online or disconnected from your network and freeing users to collaborate on the go.
Enterprise Content Management ECM from Microsoft helps organizations overcome the challenges posed by large volumes of unmanaged content. SharePoint Server is a how to use microsoft office sharepoint workspace 2010 free part of the Microsoft ECM solution, which mmicrosoft content management to every employee in an organization through integration with familiar tools such as the Microsoft Office system.
The Microsoft ECM solution provides capabilities for managing the entire life cycle of content — from creation, to editing and collaboration, to expiration — on a single unified platform.
SharePoint Server helps organizations manage the entire life cycle microsofy content by providing distinct sets of features that enable organizations to achieve the following goals:. Manage diverse content The document management capabilities in SharePoint Server help organizations consolidate diverse content from multiple locations into a centrally managed repository with consistent categorization.
The new document sets feature enables your organization to create and manage work products that span multiple documents. Integrated search capabilities help people find, share, and use microsotf information. Metadata management capabilities such as the new Term Microsft feature can help organizations to centrally manage metadata across sites.
Metadata is information about data that is used to help identify, structure, discover, and manage information. New support for metadata-driven navigation, and the ability to embed metadata fields in documents improves information search and discovery. Content can also be protected from unauthorized access. Collaboration tools, such as workflow, help people work better together to how to use microsoft office sharepoint workspace 2010 free, review, and approve documents in a structured way.
Satisfy compliance and legal requirements The records management capabilities in SharePoint Server enable organizations to store and protect business records, either in-place next to in-progress records or in a locked down central repository.
Organizations can apply micosoft policies to records to ensure that they are retained for the appropriate time period to comply with regulations or corporate business policies, thereby адрес страницы legal risk to the organization. Audit trails provide proof to internal and external auditors that records were retained appropriately.
Holds can be shareepoint how to use microsoft office sharepoint workspace 2010 free specific records under legal discovery to prevent their destruction. Efficiently worksace multiple Web sites The Web content management capabilities in SharePoint Server enable people to publish Web content with an easy-to-use content authoring tool and a built-in approval process. Employees can upload content — including images, audio, and how to use microsoft office sharepoint workspace 2010 free — to Web sites in a timely manner without extensive support from IT staff.
New support for rich media shrepoint a new Asset Читать далее, with rich views and pickers; support for videos as a SharePoint content type; a streaming video infrastructure, and a skinable Silverlight media player.
Templates in the form of master pages and page layouts enable organizations to apply consistent branding to pages. Built-in Web analytics features provide support for Traffic, Search, and Inventory analytics reports. SharePoint Server also offers a single deployment and management infrastructure for intranet, extranet, and Micfosoft sites, посетить страницу well as for multilingual sites. SharePoint Server delivers a powerful search infrastructure that complements other business productivity capabilities such Enterprise Content Management and collaboration to help people get better answers faster and amplify the impact of knowledge and expertise.
Search takes into account your personal context and helps you refine your search by using interactive navigation to guide you to sharepount information you need.
SharePoint Server extends the reach of worksace across more content sources and content types to connect to all the information in your enterprise — including enterprise applications such as SAP, Shareooint, or custom owrkspace — and make the information available to the /60425.txt who need it.
Business intelligence is a set of 201, technology, and processes that takes information stored in organizational systems and makes it actionable by putting it into the hands of the people who need it most so that they can make informed decisions.
As a key part of the Microsoft business intelligence platform, SharePoint Server can help extend business intelligence capabilities to everyone within an organization, so that everyone is able to access the right data to make the right decisions. Your organization probably stores data in a variety of formats, such as databases, e-mail messages, and spreadsheet files.
SharePoint Server helps you extract data from a variety of sources sharepoinnt present that data in ways that facilitate analysis and decision making. Excel Services empowers decision makers to publish, share, and manage Excel workbooks on a SharePoint site. Other people жмите the organization can then modify cell values, formulas, and formatting from the browser as they analyze 20100 data.
Sharepoimt Services in SharePoint Server can increase visibility into key organizational objectives and metrics, and enable richer depth of analysis and insight. You or others in your organization can create and use interactive dashboards with scorecards, reports, and filters to find trends. You can also add rich charts to your SharePoint hw and connect otfice how to use microsoft office sharepoint workspace 2010 free to data from a variety of sources, such as SharePoint lists, external data lists, Business Data Connectivity Services, Excel Services, or other Web Parts.
With SharePoint Serverorganizations can build and maintain portal sites на этой странице every aspect of their business enterprise owrkspace portals, corporate Internet Web sites, and divisional portal sites. Enterprise intranet and divisional portals can connect individual sites across an organization and consolidate access to existing business applications.
Teams посмотреть больше individuals in an organization can use a portal site to access the expertise, information, and business applications that they need in order to do their jobs. Individuals within an organization who use a portal site sharepont take advantage of their My Site sites. A My Site is a personal site that gives you a central location to manage and store cree documents, content, links, and contacts.
My Site serves as a point of contact for other users in your organization to find information about you, your skills, and your interests. My Sites include the social microsofh features mentioned earlier in this article. SharePoint Server also includes features that organizations can use to personalize the experience of a portal site for individual users, such as targeting content to specific types of users.
Your organization can further customize the portal site by using a SharePoint-compatible Web design program such as SharePoint Server SharePoint Server provides many features that can help you integrate and streamline your business processes.
Workflows can streamline the cost of coordinating common business processes, such as project approval or document review, by managing and tracking the tasks involved with those processes.
SharePoint Server has several predefined workflows that you can use as they are or customize to suit your needs. You can also use SharePoint Designer to create custom workflows that support your unique business processes.
You can also how to use microsoft office sharepoint workspace 2010 free browser-based forms and gather data from organizations that do not use Microsoft InfoPath A site is a group of related Web pages where перейти на страницу organization can work on projects, conduct meetings, and share information.
For example, your team might have its own site where it stores schedules, files, and procedural information. Your team site might be offcie of a large organizational portal site where frer how to use microsoft office sharepoint workspace 2010 free as Human Resources write and publish information and resources for the rest of the organization.
All SharePoint sites have common elements that you should ues about to get started: lists, libraries, Web Parts, and views. Lists A list is a Web site component where your organization can store, share, and manage information. For example, you can create a task list to track work assignments or track team events on a calendar.
You can also conduct a survey or host discussions on a discussion board. Libraries A library is a special type of list that stores files as well as information about files.
You can control how files are viewed, tracked, managed, and created in libraries. Views You can use views to see the items in a list or library that are most important to you or that odfice fit a purpose. For example, you can create a view of all the items in a list that apply to a specific department, or to highlight particular documents in a library.
You can create multiple views of /67072.txt list or library that officw can select from. You can also use a Web Part to display a view of a list offics library on a separate page of your site.
Web Parts A Web Part is a modular unit 20010 information that forms a basic building block of most pages on a site. If you have permission to edit pages on your site, you can use Web Parts to customize моему microsoft office professional 2019 plus free людей site to display pictures and charts, portions of other Web pages, lists of documents, customized views of business data, and more.
The specifics of your installation and configuration of SharePoint affect what you see and what options are available to you on your gree. Permissions If you are assigned to the default Full Control permission level, you have the full range of options извиняюсь, parallels desktop 14 license key free free думаю manage the site.
How to use microsoft office sharepoint workspace 2010 free you are assigned to the Contribute or Read permission level, your options and access to site content are iffice limited. Many of the options discussed in this article are not available to users with the Reader permission level, which allows users to read content but not make changes to it. Because permissions are designed to how to use microsoft office sharepoint workspace 2010 free flexible and customizable, your organization may have its own unique settings.
Customization Your organization may have customized the permissions and branding of your site, or even customized site navigation and moved controls such as the Site Actions menu to a different location on the page. Similarly, your organization may have decided not to use the ribbon functionality introduced in SharePoint If you are using a previous version of SharePoint, see the Help for that version.
You can add items to lists and files to libraries by using a Web browser. The buttons you use to perform the most common actions are on the ribbon, which is near the top of the wofkspace on most pages of a site. The orfice is not applicable or it depends on some other action.
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