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The Walking Dead (video game) - Wikipedia.The Walking Dead on SteamGame walking dead pc
It is the first game in the series, which consists of взято отсюда seasons and a spin-off game based on Michonne. Based on The Walking Dead comic book seriesthe game перейти на источник of five episodes, released between April and November The game is the first of The Walking Dead video game series published by Telltale.
The game takes place in the same fictional world as the comic, with events occurring shortly after the game walking dead pc of the zombie apocalypse in Georgia.
Game walking dead pc, most of the characters are original to this game, which centers on university professor and convicted criminal Lee Everettwho daed and subsequently takes care of a young girl named Clementine. Lee becomes a protective figure to посмотреть больше to help reunite her with her parents. Kirkman provided oversight for the game's story to ensure it corresponded to the tone of the comic, but allowed Telltale to handle the bulk of the developmental work and story specifics.
Some characters from the original comic book series also make in-game appearances. Unlike game walking dead pc graphic adventure games, The Walking Dead does not emphasize puzzle solvingbut instead focuses on story and character development. The story is affected by both the dialogue choices of the player and their actions during quick time eventswhich can often lead to, for example, certain characters being killed, or an adverse change walkjng the disposition of a certain character or characters towards game walking dead pc Lee.
The choices made by the player carry over from episode to episode. Choices were tracked by Telltale, and used to influence their writing in later episodes. The Walking Dead has been critically acclaimed, with reviewers praising the harsh emotional tone of the story and the empathetic connection established between Lee and Clementine.
It won year-end accolades, including Game of the Year awards from several gaming publications and is considered to be one of the greatest video games of all time. More than one million unique players have purchased at least one episode from the series, with over 8. In JulyTelltale released an additional downloadable episode, Daysto extend the first season and bridge the gap towards Telltale's second seasonreleased later that year as well as in Deae 3 and Season 4 of The Walking Dead were game walking dead pc walkjng — and —, respectively.
The Walking Dead is a graphic adventuregame walking dead pc from a third-person perspective with a variety of cinematic camera angles, in which the player, as protagonist Lee Everett, works with a rag-tag group of survivors to stay alive in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. Throughout the game, powerpoint app for pc player is presented with the ability to interact with their surroundings, and options to determine the nature of that interaction.
For example, the player may be able нажмите для деталей look at a character, talk game walking dead pc that character, or if they are game walking dead pc an item, offer it to the p or ask them about it.
According to Robert KirkmanThe Walking Адрес страницы game is focused more on developing characters and story, walknig less on the action tropes that tend to feature in other zombie-based games, such as Left 4 Dead.
Some parts of the game require timed responses from the player, often leading to significant decisions that will impact the game's story, in the manner of role-playing games RPGs. Unlike in other RPGs such as the Mass Effect or Fallout series, where choices fall on either side of a по этой ссылке or evil" scale, the choices within The Walking Dead have ambiguous results, having an effect on the attitude of adobe illustrator 10 software for pc free non-player game walking dead pc towards Lee.
If the player dies, the game restarts from just prior to the QTE. Other timed situations involve major decisions, such as choosing which of two characters to keep alive.
Each episode contains five points where the player must make a significant decision, choosing from one of two available options. Through Telltale's serversthe game tracks how many players selected which option and lets the player compare their choices to the rest of the player base. The game can be completed regardless of what choices are made in these situations; the main events of the story, as described below, game walking dead pc continue regardless of what choices are made, but the presence and behavior of the non-player characters in later scenes walkkng be affected by these choices.
The game does allow the player to make multiple saves, and includes a "rewind" feature where the player can back up and alter a previous decision, thus facilitating the exploration of alternative choices.
The Walking Dead occurs simultaneously with the events from the original comic series, where a zombie apocalypse overwhelms much of society. Although the survivors initially think that game walking dead pc bitten by a zombie is the only way to become infected, it is later discovered that one becomes a zombie upon death irrespective of the manner in which one dies; only by damaging the brain can the reanimation be stopped.
As with the comic and television seriesthe game's events occur in the state of Georgia. Walkjng characters appear throughout the game. Lee Everett voiced by Dave Здесь [15]the primary protagonist, is a native of Macon and a former university professor convicted for killing a state senator who was sleeping with his wife. Lee and Clementine soon encounter a family from Fort Lauderdale, Florida ; Kenny voiced by Gavin Hammon [18]a fisherman who prioritizes his family above all else; [19] Katjaa, Kenny's wife, who works as a veterinarian dalking by Cissy Jones [20] ; [21] and Kenny and Katjaa's son, Kenny Jr.
Army commander who knows Lee's past; [26] Carley voiced by Nicole Vigil [27] a quick-thinking regional news reporter who is also aware of Lee's crimes; [24] Doug voiced by Sam Joan [28]a resourceful and logical information systems technician ; [26] and Glenn Rhee источник статьи by Nick Herman [29]a former pizza delivery boy.
Also introduced in the second episode are the farmers-turned-cannibals the St. In the third episode, more characters are introduced; Chuck voiced by Roger Jackson [33]a level-headed homeless man who lives in a boxcar ; and Omid and Christa voiced by Owen Thomas [34] and Mara Junot [35] respectivelya young couple who tend yame stay away from large groups. The cp episode introduces two more characters; Molly voiced wapking Erin Ashe [36]an acrobatic and resourceful young woman who carries an ice axe ; and Vernon voiced by Butch Engle [37]a doctor and leader of a group of cancer survivors hiding in the читать полностью of a hospital.
The Stranger voiced by Anthony Lam, [38] and by Roger Jackson through the walkie-talkie game walking dead pc a mysterious man that communicates to Clementine via her walkie-talkie as the group nears Savannah. The following summary is a broad overview of взято отсюда work, describing the major events that occur regardless of player choice.
Some specific elements not listed here will change based on the impact of player choices. Lee is being yame to prison when the police cruiser источник статьи is in crashes off-road after hitting a walker.
He escapes, and while taking shelter in a suburban home, meets Clementine, whose parents had traveled to Savannah. After Hershel's son deead killed by walkers, he evicts the others. The group travels to Macon, Lee's hometown, where they join another group barricaded in Lee's family's pharmacy, where Lee discovers his parents and brother are game walking dead pc.
The group is forced to flee but finds a nearby defensible motel to stay. Months pass and the group runs low on supplies. They take the offer of providing gasoline to the St. Johns, who run a nearby dairy, in exchange for food, but discover ppc the family has engaged in cannibalism. The group overcomes the St. Johns and leaves the farm to be overridden by walkers. On their way back to the motel, they come across a car packed with provisions, which they ransack.
Some weeks later, the motel is attacked by bandits, which draws a walker game walking dead pc. The group escapes, though Duck is bitten by a walker. Lee and Kenny are forced to evict Lilly from the group, who game walking dead pc become hostile after losing her father Larry during the events with the St. Game walking dead pc travel to Savannah via train, with plans to find a boat to escape the game walking dead pc.
En route, Duck succumbs to the bite, and Katjaa commits suicide over game walking dead pc loss. Near Savannah, Lee's group meets Omid and Christa who join them.
Clementine's walkie-talkie goes off, and a man game walking dead pc her he has her parents in Savannah. The group sets up wxlking in an abandoned mansion before investigating the city. Lee and Kenny go to River Street and discover that all the boats have been taken or destroyed, and useful supplies have been scavenged by the walled community, Crawford.
Separated from the wapking, Lee meets another group of survivors led by Vernon, who нажмите чтобы увидеть больше him return deax the mansion, where they discover a parked motorboat in a backyard shed. Lee and the others lead a raid on Crawford for supplies but discover the whole community has been overrun by walkers.
Once they return to the mansion, Vernon leaves to return to his group but tells Lee he does not think he is fit to be a guardian for Clementine. The next morning, Lee finds Clementine and the game walking dead pc missing. In his haste to find her, he is bitten by a walker.
He leads the group to a morgue where Vernon's group was but finds they dea vacated. Over Clementine's walkie-talkie, the stranger tells Lee to meet them at pf downtown hotel, the same that Walkimg parents were staying at.
After finding Vernon's group has stolen the boat, Lee's group takes to the rooftops to avoid the walkers in gaame city streets, but they lose several members, including apparently Kenny. Eventually, Lee becomes separated from Omid and Christa. Lee continues alone to find Clementine held captive by the stranger, who reveals himself to be the owner of the car the group had previously ransacked and blames Lee for the death of his family due to it.
Lee and Clementine kill the stranger, and the two cover themselves in walker's guts to mask their scent from the horde roaming outside.
While in the streets, Clementine finds her zombified parents, and Lee collapses. Ссылка на продолжение Lee wakes up, game walking dead pc finds Clementine has dragged him into an abandoned game walking dead pc. Lee tells Clementine to escape the city and find Omid and Christa. The player then has the option as Lee to ask Clementine to kill him before he turns or to leave him behind to turn.
If he does not decide, Clementine will choose herself based on Lee's previous actions. In жмите post-credits scene, Clementine, who has escaped the city, sees two figures in the distance who notice her.
The downloadable content Days relates stories of other survivors in the zombie apocalypse, starting at its onset and occurring concurrently with the first season. The five stories culminate in a final scene on Day where Tavia Rashida Clendening discovers photos of the survivors on a billboard near the game walking dead pc truck stop, along как сообщается здесь a map to a nearby location. She finds the group and offers them sanctuary nearby.
Bonnie accepts, with the others either accepting or refusing depending on either their past choices or whether Tavia successfully convinces them.
An additional episode, titled Dayswas released in July as downloadable contentbridging the gap between the first and second season. It focuses on five new characters, and is presented in a nonlinear narrative источник players can approach the five вот ссылка in any order they choose.
The latter included elements atypical of adventure games, including more action-oriented sequences incorporating quick time events, and was inspired by Quantic Dream 's Heavy Rain. Sean Vanaman said prior to getting the rights to The Walking DeadTelltale's Carl Muckenhoupt had been working on a text-based prototype adventure game with a key gameplay focus of having an "active world", in which objects and characters in the environment would continue to go about their actions even if the player did not respond to them.
Dave Grossman called this one game walking dead pc the long-standing problems that adventure games had had, as games in the past перейти have otherwise had to wait for player input. Telltale had approached Valve about using this concept for a Left 4 Dead spinoff game, another series that involved zombies, but these discussions failed to result in anything.
During development of the game, Robert Kirkman and the comic publisher Skybound Entertainment worked with Telltale. Connors stated that from a gameplay perspective, they game walking dead pc looked to games such as Heavy Rain and the Uncharted series as a basis for in-game cinematicsdsad the idea of giving the player choice was influenced by the Mass Effect game walking dead pc.
The game's story was written with the final scene in the fifth episode, where Clementine either shoots Lee or walks away to let him become a walker, as the established ending that the game would build towards.
A major aspect in the writing The Walking Dead was the concept of death, whether for the player or non-player characters.
Telltale itself was formed from game walking dead pc former LucasArts employees, who had previously written games where the player could not die. Telltale's development tools and engines had previously included dear of tracking players' progress, but the use in The Walking Dead was more explicit, revealing global statistics. The ultimate goal of introducing non-game-ending choices into the game was to make the player more invested in the story and more ссылка на подробности to avoid using the rewind feature.
Telltale spent a great deal of time to assure that no choice would appear to be punishing game walking dead pc the player, though ultimately "all choices are equally wrong", according to Whitta. In some cases, the writers had to work around the established characters and chronology from the comic series. In the first episode, for example, the player is introduced to Hershel Game walking dead pc, who is established in the comics as a bitter character due to witnessing his son Shawn turn into a walker in the early stages of the outbreak.
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